Source code for aspectlib.test

This module is designed to be a lightweight, orthogonal and easy to learn replacement for the popular `mock
<>`_ framework.

Example usage, suppose you want to test this class:

    >>> class ProductionClass(object):
    ...     def method(self):
    ...         return 'stuff'
    >>> real = ProductionClass()

With :mod:`aspectlib.test`::

    >>> from aspectlib import weave, test
    >>> patch = weave(real.method, [test.mock(3), test.record(call=True)])
    >>> real.method(3, 4, 5, key='value')
    >>> assert real.method.calls == [(real, (3, 4, 5), {'key': 'value'})]

As a bonus, you have an easy way to rollback all the mess::

    >>> patch.rollback()
    >>> real.method()

With ``mock``::

    >>> from mock import Mock
    >>> real = ProductionClass()
    >>> real.method = Mock(return_value=3)
    >>> real.method(3, 4, 5, key='value')
    >>> real.method.assert_called_with(3, 4, 5, key='value')
from collections import namedtuple
from functools import partial
from functools import wraps

from wrapt.decorators import FunctionWrapper, BoundFunctionWrapper

import aspectlib

__all__ = 'mock', 'record'

Call = namedtuple('Call', ('self', 'args', 'kwargs'))

[docs]def mock(return_value, call=False): """ Factory for a decorator that makes the function return a given `return_value`. :param return_value: Value to return from the wrapper. :param bool call: If ``True``, call the decorated function. (default: ``False``) :returns: A decorator. """ def mock_decorator(func): @wraps(func) def mock_wrapper(*args, **kwargs): if call: func(*args, **kwargs) return return_value return mock_wrapper return mock_decorator
class BoundRecordingWrapper(BoundFunctionWrapper): calls = None def __init__(self, wrapped, instance, wrapper, enabled, binding, parent): super(BoundRecordingWrapper, self).__init__(wrapped, instance, wrapper, enabled, binding, parent) self.calls = parent.calls class RecordingWrapper(FunctionWrapper): """ Function wrapper that has a `calls` attribute. :param function wrapped: Function to be wrapped :param function wrapped: Wrapper function :param list calls: Instance to put in the `.calls` attribute. """ calls = None __bound_function_wrapper__ = BoundRecordingWrapper def __init__(self, wrapped, wrapper, calls): super(RecordingWrapper, self).__init__(wrapped, wrapper) self.calls = calls def __enter__(self): self._self_entanglement = aspectlib.weave(self.__wrapped__, lambda _: self) return self def __exit__(self, *args): self._self_entanglement.rollback()
[docs]def record(func=None, call=False, history=None): """ Factory or decorator (depending if `func` is initially given). :param list history: An object where the `Call` objects are appended. If not given a new list object will be created. :param bool call: If ``True`` the `func` will be called. (default: ``False``) :returns: A wrapper that has a `calls` property. The decorator returns a wrapper that records all calls made to `func`. The history is available as a ``call`` property. If access to the function is too hard then you need to specify the history manually. Example:: >>> @record ... def a(): ... pass >>> a(1, 2, 3, b='c') >>> a.calls [Call(self=None, args=(1, 2, 3), kwargs={'b': 'c'})] Or, with your own history list:: >>> calls = [] >>> @record(history=calls) ... def a(): ... pass >>> a(1, 2, 3, b='c') >>> a.calls [Call(self=None, args=(1, 2, 3), kwargs={'b': 'c'})] >>> calls is a.calls True """ def record_decorator(func): calls = list() if history is None else history def record_wrapper(wrapped, instance, args, kwargs): calls.append(Call(instance, args, kwargs)) if call: return wrapped(*args, **kwargs) recorded = RecordingWrapper(func, record_wrapper, calls) return recorded if func: return record_decorator(func) else: return partial(record, call=call, history=history)

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