Source code for aspectlib.debug

import logging
import os
import string
import sys
from itertools import islice

from wrapt import decorator

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]def frame_iterator(frame): """ Yields frames till there are no more. """ while frame: yield frame frame = frame.f_back
[docs]def format_stack(skip=0, length=6, _sep=os.path.sep): """ Returns a one-line string with the current callstack. """ return ' < '.join("%s:%s:%s" % ( '/'.join(f.f_code.co_filename.split(_sep)[-2:]), f.f_lineno, f.f_code.co_name ) for f in islice(frame_iterator(sys._getframe(1 + skip)), length))
PRINTABLE = string.digits + string.ascii_letters + string.punctuation + ' ' ASCII_ONLY = ''.join(i if i in PRINTABLE else '.' for i in (chr(c) for c in range(256)))
[docs]def strip_non_ascii(val): """ Convert to string (using `str`) and replace non-ascii characters with a dot (``.``). """ return str(val).translate(ASCII_ONLY)
[docs]def log(func=None, stacktrace=10, stacktrace_align=60, attributes=(), module=True, arguments=True, arguments_repr=repr, result=True, exception=True, exception_repr=repr, result_repr=strip_non_ascii, use_logging='CRITICAL', print_to=None): """ Decorates `func` to have logging. :param function func: Function to decorate. If missing log returns a partial which you can use as a decorator. :param int stacktrace: Number of frames to show. :param int stacktrace_align: Column to align the framelist to. :param list attributes: List of instance attributes to show, in case the function is a instance method. :param bool module: Show the module. :param bool arguments: If ``True``, then show arguments. :param bool arguments_repr: Function to convert one argument to a string. :param bool result: If ``True``, then show result. :param bool exception: If ``True``, then show exceptions. :param function exception_repr: Function to convert an exception to a string. :param function result_repr: Function to convert the result object to a string. :param string use_logging: Emit log messages with the given loglevel. :param fileobject print_to: File object to write to, in case you don't want to use logging module. :returns: A decorator or a wrapper. """ loglevel = use_logging and logging._levelNames.get(use_logging, logging.CRITICAL) def dump(buf): try: if use_logging: logger._log(loglevel, buf, ()) if print_to: buf += '\n' print_to.write(buf) except Exception as exc: logger.critical('Failed to log a message: %s', exc, exc_info=True) @decorator def logged(func, instance, args, kwargs, _missing=object()): name = func.__name__ if instance: instance_type = type(instance) info = [] for key in attributes: if key.endswith('()'): call = key = key.rstrip('()') else: call = False val = getattr(instance, key, _missing) if val is not _missing and key != name: info.append(' %s=%s' % ( key, arguments_repr(val() if call else val) )) sig = buf = '{%s%s%s}.%s' % ( instance_type.__module__ + '.' if module else '', instance_type.__name__, ''.join(info), name ) else: sig = buf = func.__name__ if arguments: buf += '(%s%s)' % ( ', '.join(repr(i) for i in (args if arguments is True else args[:arguments])), ((', ' if args else '') + ', '.join('%s=%r' % i for i in kwargs.items())) if kwargs and arguments is True else '', ) if stacktrace: buf = ("%%-%ds <<< %%s" % stacktrace_align) % (buf, format_stack(skip=1, length=stacktrace)) dump(buf) try: res = func(*args, **kwargs) except Exception as exc: if exception: dump('%s ~ raised %s' % (sig, exception_repr(exc))) raise if result: dump('%s => %s' % (sig, result_repr(res))) return res if func: return logged(func) else: return logged